Monday, March 10, 2008

personal symbol

head, I took a part of head as my symbol because head is the first part of our body that seen everyone. An example, when we meet someone we don't know yet, exactly the thing that we do is looking at the face how it looks like.

headset/earphone, it means I always listen to the music everytime everywhere. It can't be separated with my ears. I've got a lot of inspiration from it, which are making a new song, eveb for drawing. With listening to it, can carry me on to the different moment I'd felt.

+___+, of course you don't know why I put it inside as the eyes and the mouth (plus and underscore), it doesn't look like the important meaning. But the thing you should know is it's my symbol for my life. I never forget to put it into message as a signature whenever I chat or send a message for everyone. I'm interested with it because of the unique forms.

blue, is the first one of my favorite color, it has a lot of meanings : peace, calmness, confidence, wisdom, idealism, dependability, technology, cleanliness, coldness, friendliness, strength ,faith ,truth.

yellow, I think there is a good combination between 'blue and yellow' (the used's song), so that's why I take yellow to accompany blue, it looks nicely. it has a lot of meanings : joy, optimism, happiness, hope, friendship, gladness, and sociability.

'every step I do is art', that means I always try my best for doing my life as same as when I was doing my artwork.

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